Tuesday, September 6, 2016

SAP JCo - Connection to SAP server using external/public IP


JCo to SAP gateway connection fails when you are connecting to SAP gateway using an external or public IP which is NATed to an internal IP.


1.Need to add a parameter gw/alternative_hostnames and enter the external or public IP value to the default profile.

2.Use SAPGLOBALHOST name as ASHOST value

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

V50R-E-051-Missing data in the BAPI interface

You may encounter an error  "V50R-E-051-Missing data in the BAPI interface: IT_ITEMS LFIMG VRKME,BAPI-E-001-No instance of object type OutboundDelivery has been created. External reference:" when creating delivery using BAPI BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CREATE_SLS .

This is due to Delivery quantity value and Delivery quantity unit of measure is zero. This occurs when the delivery document has Batch Split.

Batch and Batch Split Update for Delivery Document

BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CREATE_SLS is used to create delivery document without batch number. 

BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE can be used to update the Batch number and Batch Split to the existing Delivery Document.
Express document update was terminated received from author XXXXXX.

Some times you may get an error like "Express document update was terminated received from author XXXX" when creating master or transaction data manually or loading data using any interface.


Go to transaction code SM13 where you can find the cause for the error and program name. Also you can find the detailed error message in transaction ST22.